Wednesday, September 2, 2020
A review of the relationship between poverty, uninsured children, Essay
An audit of the connection between destitution, uninsured kids, youth stoutness and the prosperity list - Essay Example The current investigation means to take a gander at heftiness and interminable stoutness causing conditions since these are rising as significant explanations behind contrarily influencing the prosperity of individuals. Information for the investigation has been gained from Gallup-Healthwayââ¬â¢s Well Being Index à ® site from an overview led and arranged in 2009. Information was likewise obtained from the State Health Facts site for focused states as it were. The information procured from Gallup-Healthway was utilized to outline five expresses that shaped the upper most and least levels of corpulence commonness in the United States. The conditions of West Virginia, Mississippi and Kentucky show the most elevated heftiness rates while the conditions of Hawaii and Colorado showed the least corpulence rates (Mendes and McGeeney, 2012). The states were picked in a specific order likewise in light of the fact that West Virginia, Mississippi and Kentucky are on the most minimal crossp iece of the WBI while Colorado and Hawaii are close to the highest point of the WBI list. Notwithstanding these measurements, three different factors were likewise utilized that remember the populace for destitution, the measure of uninsured children and the measure of large children. Factual Analysis Descriptive measurements were arranged for the procured information (appeared in Appendix A). Gallup utilizes characterized measurements so as to study prosperity which can be recorded as the Composite, Life Evaluation Index (LEI), Emotional Health Index (EHI), Work Environment Index (WEI), Physical Health Index (PHI), Healthy Behavior Index (HBI) and Basic Access Index (BAI) (Gallup-Healthways, 2009). Different factors utilized remember the Population for Poverty (POP IN POV), uninsured children and large children (State Health Facts, 2012). Results for the distinct measurements are introduced in the table demonstrated as follows. Table 1 Descriptive Statistics WBI (Rank) State Health Fact (%) Descriptive Statistics for WBI and State Health Facts for the Nation Overall and the Five States Selected Descriptive Statistic COMPOSITE LEI EHI WEI PHI HBI BAI POP IN POV UNINSURED KIDS OBESE KIDS Mean 65.03 44.73 78.2 48.82 75.33 62.27 80.78 23.5 7.83 34.05 Median 64.95 44.55 78.5 48.9 75.7 62.15 81.1 23.5 8.5 33.55 Range 9.7 15.9 8.5 8.3 9.5 10.1 7.1 12 9 17.2 Standard Deviation 3.51 5.83 2.93 2.67 3.66 3.88 2.89 4.04 3.31 6.36 Standard Error 1.43 2.38 1.2 1.09 1.5 1.58 1.18 1.65 1.35 2.6 The mean and middle for the Gallup information remain genuinely near one another for every revealed measurement. Conversely, the information obtained from State Health gives some skewness for uninsured children with the mean being 7.83 while the middle is 8.5. The range for most factors being examined remains under 10 aside from LEI (15.9), populace in neediness (12) and fat children (17.2). these factors could be required to show bigger standard deviations also since the scope of inf ormation is more noteworthy. As far as the standard deviation, the most noteworthy worth is shown by corpulent children (6.36) trailed by LEI (5.83) while different factors show standard deviations of around 4. The standard mistake arrangement uncovers comparative outcomes with LEI showing a standard blunder of 2.38 and fat children showing a standard mistake of 2.6. Interestingly, the standard mistake for populace in neediness is 1.65 while different factors show standard blunders of under 1.6. In light of these outcomes it could be securely accepted that the information gained shows a close to uniform circulation with the exception of LEI and hefty children that will in general display some skewness. Composite and area scores by state just as the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spanking Gone Wrong Essay Example
Beating Gone Wrong Paper Clearly Dora the Explorer couldnt give that on the grounds that sincerely busy spreading the nutty spread, hollers of give it back come shouting from the lounge. Putting down the plastic blade, she advances toward the other space to end what she discovers is path more awful than she anticipated. The two girls are battling about who gets the opportunity to hold the remote which prompts pulling hair, (the same old thing), however her child Is moving is a haze of fluffy stuffing from moving open the love seat pads. It seemed as though the rooftop had collapsed leaving a cover of snow over the lounge. Dont make the most of me to three! Shouting the danger of the tally would at any rate end the tumult, however discipline was required. This check can be heard frequently in numerous homes, particularly with small kids. Regardless of whether its from shading on the divider, battling with a kin, or even on account of your lounge chair being the new floor covering, guardians must have their ow n code of ethics and morals with regards to train. A larger number of times than not, after the check of 3, comes a decent hit otherwise called flogging. In an ongoing report by U. S. Catholic the same number of as 42% of guardians said it was k to beat their children, not including for he 13% that were uncertain (Clarke 23). Then again, there are guardians that accept a break or a harsh talk during supper will do equity. Scientists have as of late brought to consideration that beating Is making hurt youngsters. In agreement, hitting Is inconvenient to kids since guardians can go excessively far, It leaves dependable impacts and it doesnt work any better than saying no. Be that as it may, a few people think hitting is k since its piece of life and discipline used to be way more terrible. We will compose a custom exposition test on Spanking Gone Wrong explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Spanking Gone Wrong explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Spanking Gone Wrong explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Numerous guardians got the wooden spoon, paddle, or even the belt. They contend physical discipline that is uncommon, impartial, and all around contemplated, planning to react to extreme instances of rebellion or to hazardous circumstances, is a basic piece of an appropriate youth development (Clarke 23). Albeit, beating and physical discipline can go to an unheard of level particularly when its out of disappointment and outrage. The definition off hit and what whipping truly Is has been under discussion for quite a long time. This is the place society falls, thinking whats alright and what isnt. To one parent a slap on the hand is a beat while others think numerous slaps over the butt Is a decent one. Callaghan referenced In Webster, hit intends to hit on the hindquarters with an open hand (142). While as indicated by Parenting Magazine flogging is a demonstration done by the reasons for revision or control (Mitchell 19). Besides, as per Dry. Greensand, beating or physical discipline incorporates a wide assortment of techniques, for example, hitting, slapping, punishing, punching, kicking, squeezing, shaking, pushing, stifling, utilization of different items (I. . , wooden oars, belts, sticks, pins, or others), agonizing body stances, (for example, putting in shut spaces), utilization of electric stun, utilization of extreme exercise drills, or counteraction of pee or stool end (Par. 2). Clearly there is a change between what individuals believe is right wording with regards to punishing. Its imperative to step back when a circumstance is raising to a final turning point so as to give the thinking part about your mind time to find your feelings (Callaghan 142). Its simple to let persistence run thin and get baffled, yet this prompts considerations without activities and that is not alright. Likewise for certain guardians a hit isnt enough. Showing them a thing or two shouldnt be hitting a slope so hard it leaves wounds or stamps. It might be upsetting yet a few guardians go similarly as holding a child up by their shirt against an entryway, pulling them up by their hair, and even do activities, for example, lifting overwhelming loads till their nearly squashed. It doesnt stop at hit the sack without supper, wash your mouth out, removing a toy, or securing a kid their room, it can go to the point of misuse. A few mothers whove hit their youngsters agreenot essentially that hitting was awful for their children, however that it was terrible for them and how they needed to identify with their children (Callaghan 132). Being left with lament, actually, is going excessively far. Musings of l didnt mean it or l ought to of shouldnt enter your thou ghts while restraining a kid. Its imperative to treat a kid how you need to be dealt with and show them exercises for the life in front of them. At the point when a kid is left with a memory of l recall how I was restrained it ought to be an exercise learned, not one of hurt. That implies it went excessively far. Hitting likewise can leave dependable consequences for a youngster, regardless of whether its physical, enthusiastic, or mental. Beating may prevail in briefly controlling a childs practices. The difficulty is simply the youngsters may experience the ill effects of low regard and discouragement, become excessively forceful, and display standoffish conduct later accordingly (Mitchell 25). Guardians may figure their kid wont recall since they are nearly nothing yet that is not generally the situation. In instructing kids to cherish and in really adoring them, we are called to request a greater amount of ourselves and them (Clarke 23). Consider it, the youth years are when children get familiar with the most. Each parent needs their youngster to cherish and be adored. Kids shouldnt be terrified of committing errors; they ought to endeavor and be actually what their identity is. The dread of a hit and flogging can frighten a youngster into a shell they never come out of. Furthermore, the punish does travel, and chances are children will teach their children the manner in which they were restrained. An examination by Childrens Voice Magazine says the more beating, the more prominent the possibility the youngster will be higher than typical in physical forcefulness, (Mitchell 25). This Just doesnt mean their demeanor yet further activities, for example, falling into difficulty at school, burglary, vandalism, and even wrongdoing. So whats going to keep them from not hitting their kids sometime down the road? Whipping debilitates the bond among kid and parent it works on the bond, especially if its rehashed various occasions. This is an issue for guardians who need to be near their children and who need their children to be near when somebody is honored with a youngster is that they have gotten them, they dont have them. No human was brought into the world with their youngsters previously gave to them during childbirth. It required some investment to comprehend life discovering whom to become, being raised. The manner in which somebody raised them was the key, a bond that nobody could remove. It shouldnt potato they way somebody was imagined, on the off chance that they were a mishap, or arranged a very long time ahead of time, regardless of whether they were naturally introduced to destitution, or a rich way of life, to a single parent, a messed up home, or even not with their unique guardians, every one of these situations are as yet a family. Everything relies upon what you look like at it and its why being raised the correct way is a serious deal. Punishing removes the snapshots of learning and devotion to a family bond. It goes excessively far once in a while leaving a scar on a relationship with somebody that can never be fixed. Hitting a chief, life partner, or parent isnt OK so why hit a kid? Devastatingly, once in a while punishing doesnt even stop in the family. The predominance of whipping of kids in schools stays high in the United States and stays one of only a handful scarcely any industrialized nations permitting flogging in 30 states (Greensand standard. 3). With that measurement, the greater part of United States schools are as yet permitting youngsters to be rebuffed truly. Greensand says the top states for youngsters being hit were Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama (standard. 3). Its common that the southern United States is permitting the smacks. As indicated by the Office of Civil Rights (2007), school authorities, including searchers, controlled whipping to 223,190 younger students the country over during the 2006-2007 school year (Greensand standard. 3). Shouldnt it be up to the guardians how they discipline? On the off chance that a kid lives in the south and goes to a school where flogging is k and afterward returns home to a house where its alright too, where does the hitting for committing an error stop? Clinical complexities may keep understudies from coming back to class for quite a long time, weeks, or significantly more. Announced clinical discoveries incorporate scraped areas, serious muscle injury, broad hemostat, whiplash harm, perilous fat drain, and others (counting passing! ) (Greensand standard. 6). Youngsters should go to class to get the hang of, giving them injury for their activity isn't learning. That is the reason beating needs to stop. Regardless of whether its at home or far more terrible to think, at school, its leaving enduring life impacts. Its like theirs no way out for a misstep Spanking has likewise been demonstrated not to work any better than disapproving of a youngster and theirs examination to back it up. The recidivism rate for misbehaver by a 2-year-old is about half inside two hours. Its 80% inside the name day. Also, that applies to whether its Just saying no, expelling the kid, or punishing a kid Mitchell said (25). Youngsters are going to cry, sulk, shout, and so on. O matter what type of discipline you follow and risks are they will be back doing it in the long run. They may do it again that day, week, or even month yet learning their exercise doesnt consistently happen the first run through. Hitting resembles giving discipline without a motivation behind why. On the off chance that feelings get an opportunity to quiet themselves, with time, guardians can work things out and an exercise gets an opportunity of being scholarly better at that point in whapping shouting match. Mitchell included, It doesnt take a totally different parent to stay away from corpor
Friday, August 21, 2020
Human Resource Management Strategic
Questions: You are asked as an autonomous specialist to direct a basic survey of the companys worker execution the executives procedures for Heinz Company Australia and suggest the path forward. Compose a business report that responds to all the three inquiries: 1. How was Heinzs way to deal with execution the board invalid comparable to Morettis work? Clarify your answer comparable to criticalness of vital execution the board, evaluation and worker input in authoritative setting. 2. How was Heinzs approach towards representative execution the board problematic? Talk about your answer that relates worker execution the board and its effect on vital human asset the board and authoritative exhibitions. 3. Recognize the manners by which Heinzs worker execution the executives could be improved. As a feature of your answer, ensure you clarify cautiously how the organization should actualize your suggestions in light of the fact that such an extensive amount accomplishment around there relies upon the how of any system is executed. Answers: Presentation and Background This investigation manages execution the board examination as in connection with Heinz Vs Moretti contextual investigation. Reasonable Work Australia has thought that it was uncalled for Heinz Company Australia for excusing team leads in rejecting execution the executives framework. Moretti expected that it was planned in setting off his exit from the organization (Werner, Schuler, Jackson, 2012). Execution grounds primarily depend upon the executives in flawless manner. One execution score was utilized for assessment in singular execution. Occupation title of team leads is not, at this point present in the organization and doesn't leave in execution oversaw out for the equivalent. Hienz made a decent attempt in compelling supervisors in marking execution the board plan before examining on concerned issues of execution in a general way. Directors have given time till fifteenth August for marking the arrangement in excusal process. McCarthy concurred he had valid justification for get ting dubious about the expectation of organization as no different administrators subjects in execution plans. Execution Plan saw uncalled for by FWA agent just as requested organization in selecting Moretti for new job in great terms and conditions (Armstrong, 2012). This report covers investigation on Heinz case with Moretti focussing on key execution the executives. This reports targets giving investigation of the case considering correspondence particularly in an association. He covers matters that covers execution evaluation in taking care of issues winning in the association. It empowers investigation of unwavering quality of Heinz execution the board framework in tending to representative execution the board influencing vital human asset the board and association execution all in all. Toward the finish of the report, it gives proposal on what Heinz Company ought to follow for getting effective in the up and coming years (Armstrong, 2011). Research and Literature (1). Writing The board Support-Performance the executives approach was not applicable to Moretti work. This is because of actuality that he was unconscious of reasons why his exhibition was assessed in certain manner. It characterizes correspondence with workers preceding survey process in each structure (Taylor Woodhams, 2012). Absence of occupation relatedness principles Hienz doesn't approach right framework set up for assessing precise individual execution of representatives. This is a direct result of enormous nature of the organization expressed for the situation study. Hienz singular execution scores depended on companywide evaluations for giving all representatives in same score. In this manner, people encountering radiance blunder where practices of people as remembered for execution examination. It impacts discernment in one negative perspective that makes organization in seeing different characteristics in negative structure (Byars Rue, 2011). Suggestions Key Performance Management-It includes forms for constant distinguishing proof and estimation of execution of the representatives. Heinz execution the board is invalid as it doesn't think about the authoritative objective perspective. It is difficult to pick up execution the board without speaking with the representatives working in an association (DelCampo, 2011). Great execution the executives framework incorporates workers acknowledgment assuming extraordinary job in inspiration of representatives. It relates with socially persuaded representatives for reacting decidedly in the exhibition the executives framework. Execution the board framework targets rousing workers for improving degree of execution. It's anything but a cost that exacts dread in representatives that block in general execution in the event of Moretti (Byars Rue, 2011). Execution Appraisal-For this situation study, Heinz approach towards execution the board considers as invalid including execution examination for the equivalent. The executives plan embraces for assessment of execution (Valentine, Mathis, Jackson, 2012). This makes Moretti dubious for the planned point in definite execution the executives plan. Educated chiefs guarantee settling on educated choices from execution examination. Worker Feedback-Heinz approach is invalid since it doesn't render space for input. It is for the most part significance for fundamental execution the executives. It incorporates arrangement of multiscore input inside an association just as significant for usage if there should arise an occurrence of execution the executives in a general way (Truss, Mankin, Kelliher, 2012). Stream of data is basic in all systems for review at the adequacy of execution the executives framework. Moretti doesn't comprehend on the specific necessities for retaining of data. The principle point of overseeing execution in association helps in recognizing flaws for utilizing it in excusing representatives simultaneously. (2). Writing Rater Bias-Due to presence of projects set up, organization assesses singular execution that states significant three evaluations (Taylor Woodhams, 2012). It depends on companywide appraisals in giving representatives a similar score. Chiefs are being surveyed dependent on figures for every representative working in an association. This specific organization doesn't have esteemed case whereby representatives don't know about the circumstance. It inquiries on representatives shielding activities just as driving refusal in marking the exhibition the executives plan in a general way. Absence of Evidence-On investigation, it is seen that organization needs basic proof in blaming Moretti for without the capacity for acting in certain manner. It features failure in separating execution of all representatives simultaneously (Truss, Mankin, Kelliher, 2012). Suggestions Execution Management considers as a constant procedure including arrangement for criticism and instructing workers for execution improvement process. It gets connected with crucial the hierarchical objectives for the equivalent (Stone, 2011). On basic examination, it is seen that presentation the executives in Heinz Company isn't dependable at the primary spot. It alludes as execution examination that happens for first time. It is imperative to comprehend the way that exhibition examination uncovers all around planned of frameworks for bringing execution improvement like preparing programs. It coexists with solid administration framework in the most fitting manner. Execution the executives has the capacity in impacting in representatives commitment winning in business association (Prescott Rothwell, 2012). Heinz approach flops in actualizing nonstop thing and something different comes up in the strategic approaches. Great execution the executives framework considers as ceaseless things for planning human asset the executives (Mondy, Noe Premeaux, 2012). Human asset directors focus on execution upgrade just as meeting the authoritative objectives in a successful manner. Moretti had not overseen appropriately previously and represents no premise on progress soon. This fills in as the principle explanation behind Heinz chiefs that flop in giving criticism as requested in territories of alteration. Human Resource Managers ought to catch up with execution of each worker just as impart in a compelling manner. It is important to impart execution desire to representatives and giving criticism after execution examination simultaneously (Mello, 2011). Vital Human Resource Management-Performance Management considers as completely coordinated framework in type of key human asset the executives for impression of objectives of business association. Job of human asset the executives guarantees execution of every worker in coordinating accomplishing hierarchical objectives (Truss, Mankin, Kelliher, 2012). (3). Writing As per the size of the organization, it remembers proper mode for isolating organization into discrete units. It makes it simpler just as reasonable ways for singular evaluation in a general way (Lindholm et al, 2012). Consistent Performance Review-It is prudent to Heinz in assess customary execution surveys in ID of key regions in progress ways (Torrington, 2011). Instructing just as preparing of workers ought to be customary dependent on the ultimate result of execution framework. It ought to be utilized by the organization in improving execution the board and go about as an instrument for creating representatives and association in general. It is essential for Heinz in concocting reward framework in spurring workers also keeping great conduct in encouraging execution generally (Hayton, 2011). Proposals First Idea The vast majority of the ways assesses execution incorporates giving representatives openings in evaluating themselves. It assembles data from different potential sources (Harzing Pinnington, 2011). It helps representatives in understanding execution connects arrangement to vision of the organization. It helps in giving proceeding with chances to workers improvement also progression in the most proper manner. Worker assessments rely on key methods in remunerating representative performanc
Monday, June 1, 2020
A Problem Of Plastic Pollution - Free Essay Example
A million jellyfish dance in the soundless ocean as a small green sea turtles attempts to sneak up on its prey. With speed and stealth, this turtle snags the food just as a massive swarm of fog surrounds it. With a swallow of the food the turtle feels a clog, this is no jellyfish its plastic. The turtles stop breathing, it squirms and shakes in the water until all thats left is a lifeless lump of scaly green skin stuck in a protecting shell. The turtles now gone reaches land just in time to be attacked by a bird, out of the turtles neck spills a plastic bag logged in its throat. But it is not alone. Between the layers of plastic lies thousands of turned over green sea turtles shells. The never-ending surge of plastic into the worlds oceans is taking an increasing toll on iconic marine species. The Galapagos green turtles favorite food is jellyfish, so wherever jellyfish are most abundant, turtles are bound to be close by (Andrews). Unfortunately, plastic bags look like jellyfish when floating in the ocean, and if a turtle ingests a plastic bag, it forms a fatal blockage in the gut, usually resulting in death (Hardin). The plastic debris ingested by turtles can cause an intestinal blockage resulting in malnutrition, reduced growth rates, and even death. Perhaps most distressingly, turtles can starve to death because they feel full after swallowing plastic debris (Jaquet). The influx in plastic in the ocean leads to many animals such as the sea turtles suffering grand population losses due to microplastics, plastic toxicity, and plastic consumption, however, if current new technological advances, reduction of plastic, and overall human discretion in plastic occurs, the current population of sea turtles will once again rise. In the past, the United States used the ocean as personal waste disposal. In October of 1982, Peter G Ryan stated, Congress enacted the Marine protection, research and sanctions act. This is also known as the ocean dumping act. This policy declares that the U.S needs to regulate the dumping of all plastic-like materials which can affect sea turtles. But this act only controlled ocean dumping it failed to address the plastic already in the ocean. It wasnt until 1988 that Congress decided to enact the ocean dumping ban, this banned ocean dumping of all waste, especially plastic (Ryan). However, even with this act plastic still found its way to the ocean. Researches at the University of Miami set out to find where all the plastic headed and how it got there. First, they modeled a data on the currents of winds to stimulate the movement of marine debris. The result of the experiment was compared with data from satellites, and the trash was tracked by surface buoys from the NOAA (Global Drifters Programââ¬â¢s database)(Slat). They traced all the marine debris to a gyre in the Pacific Ocean. An Ocean Gyres is known as a system of ocean current, flowing in a circular motion, that is formed by global wind patterns and forces created by earth rotation which was observed by the researcher, Laura Parker. However, when one of these gyres circles stationary waters it acts as almost a whirlpool by dragging in plastic debris and leaving it to drift is its movement less center. Once the plastic reaches the center of the gyre, its trapped and broken down into plastic soup (Parker). That plastic then sits in the center of the gyre for years. Even if plastic was recycled, it never goes away, not for billions of years at least. Plastics take their time slowly degrading throughout billions of years stated Bob Talbot. Eventually, they become microplastics, that are invisible to the eye yet one by one they slowly pollute the ocean, gradually becoming bigger in mass, so big that it created the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. After many years of ongoing ocean dumping most areas of the ocean were now filled with the heavy toxins carried by plastics and high concentrations of pollutants from trash such as; inorganic nutrients and chlorinated patron chemicals. This uncontrolled ocean dumping caused severe depletion of oxygen levels in many ocean areas (Talbot). Leaving oceans full of trash and chemicals poisoning everything that touched it. Since plastic never biodegrades it become microplastics many turtles consume plastic almost every day they feed. Just a turtle simply opening its mouth near the Great Pacific Garbage Patch it is guaranteed to inhale at least a à ¼ a cup of plastic (Brander). As of now, around 10,000+ sea turtles die every year from eating and ingesting plastic (Tyree). But its not just the consumption of plastic that causes many turtles to die, its the combination of plastic and the chemicals it releases (BPA). As this plastic finds its way to the ocean, however, it happens to pick up twice the BPA it had before while just floating in the ocean (Halden). This plastic, as it ââ¬Å"degradesâ⬠, then releases all of its chemicals and toxins into the ocean creating a death trap for turtles. But its not just some sea turtles that are affected by this plastic. Countless marine animals feed their babies pieces of plastic without knowing (Samokhvalova). Due to this, an estimated 700 species will go extinct in 5-6 years. As of now, 267 marine animal species are being affected by plastics. With sea turtles out of their total population, around 84% of them have been affected in some sort of way by plastic. However, out of all marine species in the world a whopping 43% are affected by plastic and the toxins it releases (Kosuth). All marine animals are affected by the plastic but it is the sea turtles that withhold the highest death rate due to plastic. The deaths of many sea turtles today are almost always plastic related. It is reported that sea turtles die from starvation, suffocation, infection, and entanglement, all of which are a direct cause of plastic. At this point in time, one in every three sea turtles has been found caught up in some sort of plastic situation. Howe ver, this is not shocking due to the fact that an estimated 1 million pieces of plastic are in every square mile in the ocean. Researchers stated that at this time it is safe to assume that at least 98% of turtles in the world have some plastic inside of them (Tyree). With almost the entire population of sea turtles withholding some sort of plastic in their system they may not have long to live. Sea turtles have also been found to have swallowed hundreds of bits of plastic. Just 14 pieces significantly increase their risk of death, according to a study. Young sea turtles are most vulnerable, the study found, because they drift with currents where the floating plastic also accumulates and because they are less choosy than adults turtles about what to eat. Even a single piece of plastic can occasionally cause death for a young turtle who consumes plastic. In one case a turtle was found with its digestive tract blocked by a soft piece of plastic; in another, its intestine was destroyed by a sharp piece of plastic. The study found that half of the juvenile turtles would be expected to die if they ingested a total of 17 plastic items. In some, a variety of plastic material was found inside their digestive tracts. As many as 329 pieces were found in just one sea turtle. Because of a turtles anatomy, they cant vomit up something once theyââ¬â¢ve swallowed it, Dr. Hardesty said, meaning it either passes through their gut or gets stuck. For a juvenile of typical size, half the animals would be expected to die if they ingested 17 plastic items, the study concluded. (Taylor-Smith). Since humans committed to the ocean dumping prevention ACT, dumping should be reduced, but this is not the case. The National Academy of Sciences estimates that 14 billion pounds of garbage is being dumped into the ocean every year, more than 1.5 million pounds per hour. According to the Academy, the United States could be the source of approximately one-third of this ocean plastic pollution. The United States is one of the top consumers of plastic in the area and the biggest contributor to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Due to the plastic, all animals in the Pacific area are in danger especially the sea turtles. Sea turtles have diseases and unsustainable livelihoods heading their way. Imagine if you could see a turtle choking on plastics you produced and baby turtles dragging abandoned nets for months to years before dying. Plastic in the ocean is jeopardizing the natural ways of the marine life by disrupting entire bio-geo cycle causing unwanted problems. This threatens the existence of all life underwater from smaller fish to even whales. Reports say that around one million birds and 100,000 marine mammals are killed every single day due to plastic ingestion. Several marine species are on the verge of extinction because of such type of ocean pollution. Sea turtles are different though, they consume plastic garbage as food, leading to blockage in the gut and ulceration, and eventually to death. These sea turtles are also the most common victims of ââ¬ËGhost Netsââ¬â¢ in the ocean. Which are stray plastic nets used for fishing and plastic crates also cause oceanic ruination, chokes turtles by getting tangled in precious reefs, causing them to break apart the process of being tangled in them is referred to as ââ¬ËGhost Fishing. Essentially the turtles will get caught and wont have a food source. Also, the turtles may get choked. These nets if lost in the water, however, always make an appearance at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. As mentioned earlier BPA is a hazardous material, found commonly in many plastics, and it pollutes the water badly. Bisphenol A doesnââ¬â¢t get diluted in water, it uses oxygen as it degrades, resulting in a low level of oxygen in the waters as oxygen levels go down. It also badly affects the survival of marine animals including whales, dolphins, and turtles. Plastic waste can either float for miles on the water or they could be submerged on the sea-bed or commonly be found on the sea-shore. But due to BPA not matter how much plastic every single piece is filled with massives amounts of BPA. Before the days of plastic, when fishermen dumped their trash overboard or lost a net, it consisted of natural materials (metal, cloth or paper that would sink to the bottom or biodegrade quickly). Plastic, however, remains floating on the surface, the same place where many genuine food sources lie and can remain in that same spot for up to 400 years unless currents pick it up. Plastic is durable and strong aka the qualities that make it so dangerous if it reaches the ocean. If plastic objects make it into the main sewer system (by being flushed down the toilet, or carried by the rain into a street drain), and the water treatment plants are overwhelmed by excessive rain, then those floating objects can float right out to sea. When heavy rains arrive in mid-summer, they swept the streets clean and overloaded combined sewers after floating out to sea, debris was blown back onto the shores. Plastic soda rings, baggies, styrofoam particles and plastic pellets are often mistaken by sea turtles as authentic. Despite only 0.05% of plastic pieces from surface waters are pellets, they comprise about 70% of the plastic eaten by Sea turtles. But plastic soda rings arent even one of the top pieces of trash in the patch. It includes cigarette butts, Paper pieces, plastic pieces, styrofoam, glass pieces, plastic food bags, plastic caps and lids, metal beverage cans, plastic straws, glass beverage bottles. The mountains of plastic forming and the drastic amount of marine animals dying from plastic is horrendous. One way we might get rid of plastic forever is through some new technological systems, like The Ocean Saviour. This vessel will be a worldââ¬â¢s first, self-powering 70m tri-deck clean-up vessel, purposefully engineered to locate, retrieve and recycle plastic from the ocean to preserve one of our most valuable assets, the ocean, for future generations. Central to the built of the vessel is the Manta Collector Array collection systems at the side and front of the vessel which will deploy and draw in plastics. The plastics will then be fed into an onboard conveyor, chopped finely, milled and processed through onboard plasma gasification (converting organic energy into synthetic energy) process which will destroy the plastic completely with minimal atmospheric pollution. The product of this pioneering process will then be used to fuel the vessel, making it self-powering. This v essel proves that maybe the soups of plastic can be dispossessed of thought technology. The Ocean Saviour project has requested a large-scale catamaran as the most economical and stable option on the water. The open plan lower deck will be one of the main working areas of the vessel and has been specially designed to allow ventilation with hinged storm shutters which offer protection against the weather. This entire deck is dedicated to plastic removal and industrial scale recycling. Mid-deck is home to two 12m containers which will offer research laboratory facilities or VIP accommodation options and bulk storage area, for crew quarters. The wheelhouse is located on the third deck which will also house the main crew areas and helipad. However, though this is the number way to possibly remove plastic it has one downfall. A high Price. It cost 50 million dollars to make this vessel, but it may be worth it due to the estimated promise that in 40 years the entire ocean will be free of plastic, plus if we had one or maybe two more of this vessel the years would be lessened. With a plan like this plastic will be destroyed. But the ocean savior project is not alone, there are many options such as the seabin that may be slightly less effective but million of time less expensive than the Ocean Savior. The Seabin V5 is a floating garbage bin, which acts as a trash skimmer and debris interceptor. By pumping water into the device, the Seabin V5 can intercept floating debris, macro and microplastics, and microfibers. It acts as a trash skimmer, the Seabin V5 is also able to clean the water from contaminated organic material (leaves, seaweed, etcâ⬠¦). The Seabin V5 is equipped with oil absorbent pads able to absorb petroleum-based surface oils and detergent predominant in most marinas around the world. However, the Seabins is not the solution to plastic pollution. The real solution lies in Education, Science, and Systemic Change. From packaging producers, environmental regulators and to the final consumers; everybody along this chain can play a role and has the possibility, the potential, and the responsibility to be part of the solution. Seabins are installed in the water to collect and reduce the amount of mismanaged debris that from the land enter into the ocean. Seabin Project Science and Research programs take advantage of the global network of Seabins that are currently present around the world. They contribute to the understanding of the issue of marine pollution by generating a global database that will inform the public, governments, and communities about the status of their coastlines and water bodies. Seabin will also take every opportunity possible to develop new ways in which we can remove more plastics from our oceans and achieve ocean conservation and sustainability. Through this product, they aim to not only clean and spread aw areness. Though new technologies open a world of new opportunities to clean the ocean, we will never be able to achieve a clean ocean unless we regulate or even get rid of plastic. AT this very moment thousands of humans choose to limit their plastic use during the day. By limiting we limit the amount of plastic that gets in the ocean. Today California has become the first state to implement a partial ban on plastic straws. Dine-in restaurants will no longer be allowed to automatically provide customers with straws. Customers who need plastic straws will have to request them. Restaurants that violate the ban will receive warnings first, and repeat offenders will be fined at a maximum of $300. The new ban comes on the heels of previous plastic straw bans from companies and cities. This ban is mostly due to the massive amounts of dead greens sea turtles ending up on beaches in California. They are found with stomachs full of plastic and plastic straws up their nostrils. To achieve this human ne ed to contribute to and limit their overall use of plastic. Earlier this year, the Walt Disney Company announced a ban on single-use plastic straws and stirrers at nearly all its theme parks and resorts. The policy, which is set to be in place by mid-2019, will cut down on the upwards of 175 million straws and 13 million stirrers that are used at these locations each year. Paper straws will be available upon request and, for guests with disabilities, the company is developing alternative options for traditional plastic straws. Disney will also eliminate polystyrene cups at its parks and cut down its reliance on single-use plastic bags. Instead of disposable bags, guests will have the option to buy reusable shopping bags. The company will reduce the amount of plastic in guest rooms by 80 percent. However, in Orlando at Disneyââ¬â¢s Animal Kingdom, plastic straws and cup lids have been banned since the park opened in 1998. Nearly sixty years ahead of his time Walt Disney banned plastic from the Animal Kingdom park to benefit animals and make sure they are never put in danger. Since Disney has vowed to ban plastic in early 2019 it has set off a chain reaction. Seattle banned plastic straws, and San Francisco is working to ban straws and other plastic items starting July 1, 2019. Not only that but many everyday people have been getting involved by protesting plastic or refusing to use plastic straws. All the people needed to be something to believe in and they start to react and begin to change the ways, in this case, in which they use plastic. Some steps regular people have taken to help partake in riding plastic is no plastic November. This moment not only caught the attention of governments and cities but it caught the attention of restaurants. By eliminating their use of plastic for a mouth restaurant thought why only a month why not have it year round. A number of restaurants around the U.S have taken action and eliminated plastic straw use. Metal straws and paper straws now rise to the occasion to fill the place of straws. Though many complain about the use of metal straws and paper straws its a small thing to sacrifice for a project bigger than most. The Goal of No Plastic November was not to rid plastic forever. It was merely to set off a chain reaction and show companies and the world that the people care and they want to help. Plastics have become a vital asset for humanity. Not a single person can live without it because it is included in our shoes to our toothbrushes to glasses. The worst part is that most humans dont even acknowledge the amount of plastic they use each day because it is so ingrained in everything we do. Though these extensive research new technologies seem to be the best way to go, seeing as though two vessels will minimize worldwide plastic to 20 years from now. However, as we clean the ocean we must clean the land. We must minimize the amount of plastic we use each day in hopes that by doing this we can save hundreds of species from nearing extinction. Animals such as the sea turtles are in desperate need of help. If humans take action and work to reduce or even eliminate plastic not only will we be eliminating the actual plastic install but we will e eliminating the toxicity it releases into the ocean. Then maybe, just maybe, you might catch a glimpse of a green sea turtle catching a nd eating a real jellyfish, instead of a plastic bag.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Xerox - 1670 Words
Xerox HRM 530 April 24, 2011 Xerox Xerox was originally founded in 1906 as the Haloid Company, which later became Haloid Xerox in 1958 and finally Xerox Corporation in 1961. Xerox currently has 136,000 employees in 160 countries (, 2011). With over 130,000 employees, human resources is vitally important to the corporation. This paper will examine how human resource professionals can ensure that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines. It will also discuss how hiring women and minorities improved Xeroxââ¬â¢s profitability. In addition, the changes that Xerox made to become a more attractive employer for women and minorities will be identified. Finally, there willâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A compilation of these actions allowed Xerox to increase its profitability. An organizationââ¬â¢s best advertisement is its employees. When one is proud of where they work and their company values, they will share that information with family, friends and anyone who will listen about the great and diverse organization they work for. This would peak the interest of others who would also like to bring their skills and competencies to Xerox. Next, customers are more likely to purchase products and services from people who look like them. So to have a diverse workforce would mean that people from all walks of life and nationalities will patron your company. Lastly, Xerox was proactive in its attitudes towards diversity and developed programs and initiatives to address it. By promoting an inclusive environment they took steps to alleviate and/or avoid potential complaints and lawsuits related to discrimination in the workplace. All of these action plans added value to the organization. Changes that Xerox Made to Become a More Attractive Employer for Women and Minorities The National Employment Lawyers Association was so concerned about the abuse many workers were experiencing in a work environment filled with discrimination, harassment, and ââ¬Å"capriciousâ⬠employment decisions (About the Institute - History, 2011, para.1) that they decided to become an advocate ââ¬Å"for employees rights by advancing equality and justice in theShow MoreRelatedXerox And Xerox s Strategy1542 Words à |à 7 PagesXerox Fuji Xerox are Leading Document Management Processing Company selling Xerographic products and providing services like Managed Print Services, Business Processing System etc. Xerox was founded in 1906 in Rochester, New York and Fuji Xerox was formed as a Joint Venture between Xerox and Fuji Photo film in 1962. Xerox in partnership with Fuji Xerox is currently the market leader in providing Managed Print Service. 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Xerox operates on its core values of succeeding through satisfied customer, delivering quality andRead MoreFuji Xerox5613 Words à |à 23 Pagesfull impact. The case of Xerox and Fuji Xerox gives us a unique opportunity to trace the evolution of such an alliance over a long period of time. We can learn a lot from this experience, and try both to avoid Xeroxââ¬â¢s mistakes and copy Xeroxââ¬â¢s success. 2 While this case is about a particular type of allianceââ¬âa separate enterprise owned by Xerox and Fuji Photo Filmââ¬â it also contains elements of other types of alliance. The relationship between Xerox and Fuji Xerox, for example, is itself managedRead MoreCulture, Leadership and Staffing at Xerox1726 Words à |à 7 PagesCulture, Leadership and Staffing at Xerox Leadership After much reorganization and movement of leadership, Anne Mulcahy took over the helm of Xerox. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) - 1789 Words
Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name for a group of developmental disorders. ASD is a complex disorder and each individual that suffers from it has a unique set of conditions. The symptoms of individuals with ASD vary in severity. (Lilienfeld et al., 2017, p. 603) The autism spectrum includes classical autism, Asperger s syndrome, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). These disorders all involve social and communication difficulties, as well as repetitive behaviours and narrow interests. Considering Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological developmental disorder, parents and caregivers can detect signs of autismâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Firstly, autistic individuals have difficulty understanding what is happening around them. The lack of understanding could be dangerous to their own well being and safety. This lack of understanding and awareness is largely d ue to their inability to communicate effectively with others and interpret social cues. Further, this causes autistic individuals a lot of anxiety and insecurity on a day to day basis (Gillot et al. 2001). They try to relieve this stress and anxiety by performing repetitious behaviours (i.e. rocking). In more extreme cases, an autistic individual may also throw tantrums that involve kicking, and biting. This may be hard for their parents, families and caregivers because autism isnââ¬â¢t a physical disability so the public may be quick to judge them for such ââ¬Å"oddâ⬠behaviours (Groden et al., 1994). The public may think that the parent isnââ¬â¢t properly controlling their child. As an adult, the autistic individualsââ¬â¢ public tantrums may be attributed to crazy behaviour. This may lead to the individual and his/her family to be isolated (Autism Bedfordshire, 2016). This just increases their already high anxiety and may lead to mental issues such as depression. Ad ditionally, as adults, individuals with ASD are associated with increased risk of violent offending compared with the general population (Langstrom et al., 2009). Furthermore, the inherent variability that exists when considering a spectrum disorder makes it difficult to have one set treatment for theShow MoreRelatedAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1722 Words à |à 7 Pagesin every sixty-eight births are diagnosed with the Autism spectrum disorder in other words (ASD), which is about one percent of the worldââ¬â¢s population. And that more than three point five million people in America live with a person who has the Autism spectrum disorder. We all know that Autism is a spectrum disorder in which an abnormality is developed in the brain. It is a long life condition that has no cure for itself. People who have Autism face many difficulties in their communication and theirRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1441 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a hereditary neurodevelopmental disorder. Like many other psychological disorders, it is commonly misunderstood in popular culture. Many allude to it casually, often equating it with crippling social awkwardness and disability when it is in fact a spectrum disorder with many degrees of severity. It is somewhat of an enigma within the scientific community as well; there are many things we do not know about ASD and there is ongoing research to learn moreRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1569 Words à |à 7 Pagesdiagnoses for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occur has seen a dramatic growth in numbers. With diagnoses for ASD increasing, more siblings are also being found to have grown up with a sister or brother with autism spectrum disorder. Previous studies have shown no consensus on whether or not siblings of persons with ASD are at risk for negative effects. However, patterns of anxiety among these siblings are being examined to see if charac teristics of a child with autism spectrum disorder and their parentsRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1535 Words à |à 7 PagesHow Autism Influences the Interactions with Others There is a little boy that gets up every morning and goes to school. He goes home to his parents after school each day. He eats, sleeps, and plays just like any other child. There is one difference. He sees the world in a unique way than most other children not affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. The boyââ¬â¢s life and actions are a bit different and can be challenging for him. He needs understanding parents, family members, and teachers. Autism SpectrumRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1444 Words à |à 6 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder Dustin S. Staats University of Central Oklahoma ââ¬Å"Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) formerly known as just Autism, is a disorder that affects about 1 in 68 children here in the United States.â⬠(Facts about ASD) This is a pretty high prevalence and the number is continuing to rise. ââ¬Å"Autism is a developmental disability that can cause significant impairments in behavioral, communication, and social aspects of everyday life.â⬠(Facts about ASD). The intellectual functioning ofRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1369 Words à |à 6 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Introduction I don t think people understand how unique children with Autism are or the demands of caring for a child with Autism is. In order to grasp the effect of this disability has on a child or their family it is important to understand the characteristics of a child living with Autism. So for you to understand I will be talking about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Autism in a childs life. I will be talking about what autism is, the history and descriptionRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1587 Words à |à 7 Pages Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorderà (ASD) Purpose: My audience will learn the importance of recognizing early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children. Thesis: It is important to understand the early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder, and why early intervention is the best treatment. Introduction: Gain/maintain attention There is a television show I like to watch called ââ¬Å"The Big Bang Theory, maybe some of you have seen it. This show focuses on the relationships between a group of friends, someRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Essay1168 Words à |à 5 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder, as defined by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, refers to a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with social communication and interaction ( Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a very complex developmental disorder and the term ââ¬Ëspectrumââ¬â¢ was added to the original term simply known as ââ¬ËAutismââ¬â¢ due to the wide range of symptoms associated with the disorderRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1852 Words à |à 8 PagesThe following paper is going to cover the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Using research and data collected from various authors and journalists the paper will describe the different variations of autism and discuss the impact autism has on a person- in society, at home, in the classroom, and in their careers. Beginning at infancy, autism has a major impact on not just the child but their familyââ¬â¢s life as well. The childââ¬â¢s lack of ability to interpret social cues, gestures, and expressionsRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1801 Words à |à 8 PagesAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by qualitative impairments in social interaction and communication, and restricted, repetitive behavior (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013), and is associated with impairments in executive functions. Autism Spectrum Disorder is also defined as a group of disorders that impair an individualââ¬â¢s ability to understand and engage in the give-and-take of social relationships. (Boyd, 2015) Autism is a well-known
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Emotional and Cultural Intensity and Divergence â⬠MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Emotional and Cultural Intensity and Divergence. Answer: Introduction I have conducted a self-analysis and also I contacted my colleagues and asked two of them to solve the same questions. This helped me to gather a clear knowledge about the gap existing between myself perception and perception of the other. I have also made use of the Johari window. In this part, I will be using the Johari window and also the surveys that have been answered by me and also by my colleagues. The result that has been obtained from the survey that has been answered by me show that my score in the musical category is highest (32), Linguistic is 26, Logical-mathematical is 27, Bodily-kinesthetic is 24, spatial visual is 21, interpersonal is 30 and intrapersonal is 32. This shows that my response to the sounds and the musical quality is higher. I am very active towards all sorts of musical effects and I can very easily connect my feelings (happiness, joy, sadness and many other such feelings) with music. My linguistic rating shows that reading and writing skills are also good. I can manage my relationships well by the means of proper communication. This is indeed true as I believe communication is one of the best ways to express emotions. My logical-mathematical skills show that I am of a calculative mind and I can very well predict the outcomes of all the actions. Bodily-kinesthetic skills score is 24 which shows that I am neither very active towards eye contact nor bodily feelings. The spatial and visual score is 21 which show that I am not really very open towards the paintings. My interpersonal skills are well developed and it shows that I am very open towards knowing the feelings of other people. I try to be very caring and helpful towards them. The intrapersonal slot is also 32, which shows that I believe in doing a self-analysis in order to know my own strengths and weaknesses. Their surveys showed that my interpersonal rating is 29 and my intrapersonal skill is 21. I tried to analyze this gap by using the Johari window. The first window is the arena or the free elf where I saw that my predictability and my colleagues predictability matched and they know that I am a shy person and I try to avoid eye contact or physical contacts like hugs, handshakes. The second window is the blind spot that showed me the things that I didnt know about myself but others knew. I thought that I am very helpful to people and I am also good at self-analysis. However, the surveys of the other two colleagues showed me that I try to help people a lot but I am often less confident and I get frustrated easily. I often lose my patience. This is indeed very harmful to myself and also the people whom I try to help. The third area or faade showed the things that I know about myself but my colleagues didnt. Musicality score was low as 20 in the surveys completed by my colleagues. This is the second window or the blind spot as it is known only by me that I am fond of music. My colleagues have not yet been able to discover that I am fond of music. The fourth area or the unknown area are some qualities that are yet to be discovered. Perhaps I will try to work on my anger. I do not know if I have often been very rude to my peers. It is also unknown to my colleagues that whether I have the bad habit of losing my temper very often. I have gone through the survey results from my observations and from the observations of my colleagues as well. I have seen from the Daniel Goleman's EQ Instrument test that my IQ is average. I scored. I scored 105 out of 200. This shows that my weakness is my logical and mathematical skills. I have to work more on mathematical and analytical problems. This will be helpful for me in the professional fields. I will be working hard on this ground. Apart from this, I feel that Musicality is my strength and also the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. I will utilize the musicality for good purpose. I can use it in some NGO for the blind kids. I can use my knowledge in music to teach them to understand different things and comprehend their meaning. I will continue helping other people and take my empathetic and caring nature as strength. I will, however, have to work on the weakness of lack of confidence. If I am not confident enough then I will not be able to take any decisions on my own. I will be enrolling myself in the meditation classes that will help me to work on my confidence level. My intrapersonal skill is also my strength as I know how to do a thorough self-analysis of own strengths and my weaknesses. I will work on it further but at the same time, I will make sure that I am able to accept my drawbacks freely. I will not move backward to accept my drawbacks. I will have to be very open regarding my feelings so that I do not end up creating trouble for myself in my professional fields. I will make it a point that I am communicating my grounds of difficulties and needs. There are group projects that I often take up along with my teammates. It can happen that I am doing a group project with my colleagues regarding some mathematical or statistical assignment. I will develop my logical skills by talking with them and by taking part in many logical problems. This will help me to develop my aptitude and my knowledge. I can be an able leader if I can guide my followers in the best way possible. I have to improve my skills and my aptitude in order to guide them. There will be many problems like absenteeism or less and poor production from my teammates. However, I will make sure that I am not losing my temper nor am I becoming less confident in my decisions. My teammates will always look upon me as their guide and the philosopher. One of my teammates might not be able to understand the job requirement. So, in that case, I will have to deal with him very patiently. I cannot really afford to be shy. I have to cheer him up. I have to work with the bodily-kines thetic abilities and develop close eye contest with him and shake hands with him to make sure that he feels at ease. As a leader, I will support him emotionally as well. I will also suggest him some good and refreshing music (musicality) that might be soothing for him. As I have a good taste in musicality I will be able to suggest him some refreshing songs. I will take care of the fact that I am able to support my teammates and my followers at every possible means. I also have to work with the bodily and the kinesthetic approaches as these little gestures and body language are necessary at the office level. Often there can be meetings or group projects where I have to lead a group of people. In order to encourage them, I will have to use little gestures like that of a handshake, pat on the back, a kind of eye contact and other such friendly and supportive activities. So I will have to make sure that I am not being very shy or much close and introvert towards my colleagues, my friend s or my team members. I must overcome my shyness. I have to make my peers and my colleagues know that I am very open and approachable to them. Conclusion So, it can be concluded from the self analysis that I need to work upon the several areas. Musicality is one of my good and positive points so I will be nurturing it further and will use it for refreshing myself whenever I am tired or frustrated. I will also be working upon the visuals a d the bodily and kinesthetic areas as I need to develop my interest towards creative aspects and also work upon developing my bodily gestures towards my peers and colleagues.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Positioning and Differentiating Your Business free essay sample
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from E-Myth Worldwide. The E-Myth Mastery Program Module 2: E-Myth Marketing Fundamentals Business Development Process: MK-0040 Positioning and Differentiating Your Business Page 8 mistrust the people they will be dealing with. That presents you with the opportunity to position your business as friendly and filled with employees who enjoy helping customers. Or you might notice in target market ââ¬Å"Bâ⬠that honor and integrity are prized personal values and the dominant purchase preference is ââ¬Å"performanceâ⬠(they focus on reliability, dependability, and quality). This could lead you to position your business as one that ââ¬Å"goes the extra mile to make it work right for you. â⬠Once you learn to apply this approach, the possibilities are unlimited! Redefining Your Products With so many similar and competing products and services out there, redefining yours so that it stands out from all the rest is an important part of your Positioning Strategy. We will write a custom essay sample on Positioning and Differentiating Your Business or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The E-Myth Mastery Program Module 2: E-Myth Marketing Fundamentals Business Development Process: MK-0040 Positioning and Differentiating Your Business Positioning Strategy Worksheet (contââ¬â¢d) Key product attributes I Functionality I Sensory impact I Unconscious associations I Conscious-mind conclusions I Price/value I Access/convenience How they apply in this market segmentâ⬠¦ Key psychographic characteristics How they apply in this market segmentâ⬠¦ This component requires that you describe your product in terms of its key attributes as perceived by the customer. For purposes of positioning, you donââ¬â¢t have to create a detailed product description ââ¬â just a few words to identify the kind of product, plus a few phrases describing the one, two, or three attributes that make it stand out from all others. (Later, in Your Marketing Strategy, process MK-0060, youââ¬â¢ll create a detailed product description. ) Key Product Attributes: The Customerââ¬â¢s View Functionality Sensory Impact Unconscious Associations Conscious-Mind Conclusions Price/Value Access/Convenience Functionality. What the product does, especially what it does for the customer. Sensory impact. The sensory experience of the product. What does it look like? Sound, feel, taste, and smell like? Unconscious associations. What common unconscious associations is the product likely to trigger, and what emotional responses are likely to be stimulated by those associations? Derived from careful study of your Central Psychographic Worksheet for this market segmentâ⬠¦ Conscious-mind conclusions. What are the logical, rational judgments and conclusions the conscious mind is likely to reach regarding this product? Price/value. Is the price of the product perceived as high, moderate, or low, and is the product worth its price? Access/convenience. Do customers have access to the product? How easily can they get it? Is it convenient ââ¬â nearby, no hassles, minimal effort? Consider these examples of products that have been ââ¬Å"redefined. â⬠(Weââ¬â¢ve noted the key product attributes used for the redefinition. ) How do you respond to them? Copyright à © 1986, 1988, 1994, 1996 by E-Myth Worldwide. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from E-Myth Worldwide. Copyright à © 1986, 1988, 1994, 1996 by E-Myth Worldwide. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from E-Myth Worldwide. The E-Myth Mastery Program Module 2: E-Myth Marketing Fundamentals Business Development Process: MK-0040 Positioning and Differentiating Your Business Positioning Strategy Worksheet (contââ¬â¢d) The E-Myth Mastery Program Module 2: E-Myth Marketing Fundamentals Business Development Process: MK-0040
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Business plan for creating online business expansion selling healthcare products and services
Business plan for creating online business expansion selling healthcare products and services Introduction Online advertising is the best modern way to attract, capture and retain customers in a mass market where they will be informed about the availability of the product in the market, the exact locations where it can be purchased, the advantages of using the product, the company policy regarding usage of the product and any other relevant information like company history in terms of provision of competitive products for some period of time, having qualified staff who are ready to assist incase the product turns hazardous and also what first aid procedure to be adopted in such a case.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business plan for creating online business expansion selling healthcare products and services specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Online health care business will help to provide timely cure for ailments and so will contribute towards reducing deaths in the society. Main body Business expansion beg ins by carrying out an analysis which explains whether there is need for expansion, advantages to be derived from the business expansion and also how consumers will benefit from the expansion, thereafter the current financial position of the business will be assessed to determine the actual increase in business as a result of the expansion. This will come along with costs related to the expansion like recruitment of more staff members, acquisition of new equipment and training staff members. A time frame has to be worked out for training or acquiring new staff and educating them about the goals and objectives of the new business. An analysis needs to be made to determine source of capital for expansion and this will begin by doing a budget on cash needs. If need be, capital can be raised for the expansion process and this will be via bank loan, or increasing share capital for shareholders and so they will have to inject more capital (Kotler Keller, 2008). While planning on the onli ne business, the company will carry out a visibility cost analysis, assess the staffing needs to carry out the web designing, maintaining and providing frequent press release, responding to consumer queries, receiving online orders dispatching products purchased and carrying out general administration for the new business.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Web designing will cost around $500, the rest of the staff members will be permanent employees who will earn a monthly allowance, and their key performance indicator will be the number of customers served. Enough investment will be made for machinery which includes computers and laptops which will be used to provide consumer feedback. Proper advertising strategies will have to be put in place to help make consumers aware about the business expansion through various media. This can be done via television, radio adv ertising, preferred magazine pull outs, Google ad word adverts and also though social sites like face book, all this is aimed at increasing the web presence. After this analysis, a good business plan has to be drawn; it will give an account of the current business operations, expected operation after expansion, details of experience and qualifications of staff and also employment status. This will help consumers know more about the company profile so they can decide if they want to create a relationship with the business, also this will help the company to secure financing from banks (Kotler Keller, 2008). The product needs to be viable in order for it to satisfy consumer needs, since viability of the products is what provides a market outlook on the product, how it will be marketed, who the target market is, the purchase locations, and so this provides an analysis on the way consumers will perceive the product or service in terms of how this will satisfy their demands, and help in crease the possibility of using the product again. The company must present the product attractively online, give an account of all the benefits of using the product and this must be followed by a detailed account of the presence of that product for some time and it has been proven to be beneficial to consumers. For instance, if it is an insurance health product, the company should explain the channel of processing claims, how accidents will be reported, how payments will be made and time frame among other attributes which will make people consume the product. Before going online, the company will analyze the product using the BCG model where the product will be classified as a star, a cash cow, a problem child or a dog.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Business plan for creating online business expansion selling healthcare products and services specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Once proper analysis has been made, th e company will do a budget analysis to determine the extent of budgeting requirements. If the product is a star, more expenditure has to be incurred to ensure that there is wide market coverage for the product to make sure there will be a long period of consumer usage of the product but if a cash cow, modest expenditure should be incurred since the objective is to get as much revenue as possible from the product before phasing it out of the market. To carry out a proper online expansion, the company must identify potential competitors, which are companies offering similar products or services, after that an assessment will be done to determine the competitors strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We will take into serious consideration the strengths and opportunities of the competitor, try to see where the competitor is doing very well and how that is made possible so that we can look for ways of making that our opportunity aimed at taking that market share. Online marke ting will help to attract more people to the website, increase customers and enhance brand loyalty, so we will begin by having a web promotion plan which will start with an effective web design and development strategy which must be appealing to consumers and in return will give us good search optimization techniques. Good online marketing goes hand in hand with an efficient email marketing tool where customers can be briefed about new productsââ¬â¢ features and any other information worth knowing. We will introduce reseller affiliate programs and associate programs all aimed at getting to refer more clients from the existing ones, build a responsive opt-in email list where consumers will communicate directly to us, publish online web releases, facilitate and run online contests and introduce a blog/online chart where the company staff charts directly with online clients and provide answers to their queries.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order for the company to reach a wide market for its online product sale strategy, we must optimize the online content, we have to ensure the information we have on the website is targeted to consumers, has the right words consumers will be looking for. We must have a clear hierarchy and text links, where every page will be easily accessed by one link, the information on every link should be useful, with a clear and accurate description of the content. We must limit flash files, portable document files and dynamic content since this will reduce our search optimization progress or we employ Meta tags to exclude such content from search engines to increase or ranking (Brigham Daves, 2004). Social media integration has to be put in place, it will be aimed at increasing web presence and takes the form of search engine optimization, allowing other companies to advertise on your site, carrying out email marketing, buy online media space and carry out frequent press releases which deta il the milestones the company is taking to ensure that it offers the best products in the market, and above all, offer the best design of the social sites placed strategically and prominently exposed. Online customer relationship management is the way the company manages its relationship with customers, clients and any other sales force by organizing, automating and synchronizing sales, marketing, customer service and technical support activities, all this aimed at ensuring customers get the satisfaction they deserve, the objective being to retain current customers, entice and acquire new ones, this will reduce marketing costs and customer service level agreement. We shall have dedicated staff who will answer customer questions in real-time, we shall work on an online agents offering live chart with customers, and this will help customers get immediate solutions to any immediate concerns (Eley Tilley, 2009). A proper and secure payment system should be in place which enables custom ers to pay online for products and services and delivery of the products must be real-time as per the information provided by the customer during time of purchase. The product must be tested to make sure quality is guaranteed so as to eliminate cases of customer complaints and consequent shipping back the product. Online business will reach the entire world at the click on the website link so the company must anticipate and expect to make sales to a very wide market, it should strategize to have feedback from potential areas away from home country where purchases are high and so it should plan to have a franchise operating there if this will be economical as opposed to sending the products from home country. The website should have a translation tool which will help customers not able to read English to translate the data to a language of their choice, and adequate measures should be put in place to accommodate different cultures for instance in terms of packaging, advertising might be restricted in certain ways in some cultures (Eley Tilley, 2009). Conclusion Basically, there must be a detailed plan for the expansion/growth of an online healthcare business, which gives the framework of operations, detailed account procedures to be followed and an outline of the expected benefits resulting from the expansion. This is what the company management will look at and assesses the possibility of having the business expanded and therefore try to increase sales though online advertising. The expansion should be carried out in stages since this will give the company room to introduce new online products, give employees time to study and understand the systems and be able to assist clients. References Brigham, E., Daves, P. (2004). Intermediate Financial Management (8th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. Eley, B., Tilley, S. (2009). Online marketing inside out. Melbourne: SitePoint. Kotler, P., Keller, K. (2008). Marketing management (13th ed.). Upper Saddle Riv er, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Appendix Appendix A: Projected Costs Projected web development costs = $500 (one off) Projected maintenance costs: Web hosting = $100 Per Year Web search optimization = $100 Per year Maintenance = $200 per year Appendix B. New Website Index International Healthcare and drug sellerââ¬â¢s website index A Access drug database Acquire vaccinations for new born children C Customer registrations Consumer feedback D Drug prescriptions N Names of drugs and prescriptions O Online help Online purchase of drugs P Product range Purchase criteria S Staff qualifications T Talk to the doctor on duty
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Strategic Management Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Management - Outline Example Resources a firm acts as its competitive strength when strategically exploited. The exploitation of organization resources with a view of creating sustainable advantage occur over time. Strategic resource positioning The performance of a firm would depend on a number of factors. First, product viability depends on its cost in comparison to similar products and the capacity of the product to meet the demands in the market. Strategic placement of product would dictate product innovation; which includes designing, composition, and conditions, which influences its processing. The uniqueness of the product does not only influence imitation of the product, but also the identity in the market. Firms whose products are not viable innovate or shift in order to remain economically viable. How resources meet consumer demands The consumerââ¬â¢s behavior defines whether the product is valuable. This attribute would dictate the success of an industry. Industries consider product innovation stra tegies, which would produce unique response in the market. It means that the product has to be hard to imitate as well as identified by many consumers. Many firms consider product innovation strategy, which would create a product that is hard to substitute as well as rare in supply. Products, which create satisfaction, would retain the consumers over a time. Types of resources Resources of a firm are critical to its success. These resources are either tangible or intangible. Tangible assets include infrastructure, reputation, and database while intangible assets are strategies of the firm. The ability of a firm to compete in the market depends on its asset mobilization. Strategic resources The influence that a firm exerts in the market would depend on the strategies it develops in the following areas: financial assets, human assets, reputation assets, capabilities and competencies, and intellectual assets. Mobilization of the assets with an aim of achieving the organization goals in fluences the positioning of the firm. Reputation assets The viability of a firm would depend on the reputation it commands in the market. For a firm to build a good reputation it would consider cost of the product, competitors influence, consumer behavior, and economic constraints (Haberberg and Rieple, 2007:8). The above factors influence the approach that a firm would take towards building its reputation. Firms rebrand their products in response to consumer behavior in order to keep the product viable in the market. Relational assets Competitiveness of a firm does not only rely on reputational assets, but also relational assets. The internal environment of the firm would influence its productivity. The relationship between various departments must focus on the interest of the firm. Internal relationship in the firm would influence the work out put of the firm. This will in turn influence consumersââ¬â¢ satisfaction. For instance, satisfaction of the employees would contribute t o satisfaction of the consumers because the employees would strive towards achieving the goals of the firm. The relationship between the firm and the government will define its operations in the market. Thus, the relation must demonstrate an interest in serving the consumers. Dynamic capabilities The ever-changing market conditions require dynamic approaches in organizationââ¬â¢s functions. Firms must be ready to demonstrate innovation in a changing environment. The uncertainty of the future dictates that a firm has to change its
Monday, February 10, 2020
Why has it proved so difficult to create an effective International Essay
Why has it proved so difficult to create an effective International Criminal Court - Essay Example It took several meetings between the superior nations such as France, US, UK, China and the Soviet Union to finally agree on the membership terms, bodies and other arrangements that would be necessary to set up the UN, and ensure that it met its international security, social and economic goals. It was officially formed in 1945 with 50 member states and five nations being permanent members and holding the veto power. By 2007, it had 192 member states (Hanhimaki, 2008). The terms and conditions initially set were to be later reviewed and maybe changed or revised, something that has never happened to date. Any decisions made on international security, economic development or social levels have to be approved by the nations holding the veto power first, directly or indirectly before being approved. This has led to power imbalance in the UN with other nations feeling sidelined and having no powers to disagree. The existence and operation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is one of the issues being disagreed upon by member states. Disagreements surround charges taken to it and how it only handles cases from some states and not from others and especially those holding the veto power, leading to it lacking the impartiality necessary in a court of justice. Its operation therefore lacks consensus making it difficult to exist and perform its roles. The fact that the operation of the court from its inception seems to be controlled by a few members has brought about more questions than answers, and led to creation of issues of mistrust of the so called justice being sought in the court. The ICC comes in to deal with crimes that the national courts cannot be able to handle. This is because of lack of ability of a country to address the heinous criminal acts or because of the lack of a government. The national court may also lack capacity to prosecute their own cases and especially those of higher magnitude because of lack of resources or the lack of
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Evolution of Gillette Razor Blades Essay Example for Free
Evolution of Gillette Razor Blades Essay Marketing, design and innovation is the study of how an organisationââ¬â¢s competitive advantage forte is indomitable and shaped by its marketing, design and innovation prowess. In addition, it is as a critical factor to the growth and success of the organisation and to the global community. This study seeks to reconnoitre the Gilletteââ¬â¢s Power Razor through the lens of organisational marketing, design and innovation. It will look at the way in which Gillette Power Razor and its brand prospers in those areas and how it impacted on the competiveness in the marketplace. The objectives of the study are, firstly to display how the characteristics of the Gillette Power Razor have evolved over time to meet customerââ¬â¢s needs. To show the benefits and value derived by the users. To show the uniqueness of its design elements. Finally, to show the Gilletteââ¬â¢s brand appeal in contemporary markets. In this research the investigator will be taking the view of epistemology. The investigator selected the Gillette power razor as the product to critique within the context of marketing, design and innovation. The razor took a very long time to evolve into its present multidimensional use. Therefore, true innovation always begins by investigating the historic footprint. Analysis will be used shows how the characteristics of the item has altered over time what drove the changes in the market and which it exists from the benefits and value derived by the clients, customers or recipients. Furthermore, the uniqueness of its design elements ââ¬â shape, colour, design, imagination, relevance and usefulness. Finally, its appeal as brand in contemporary markets. In industry, methods and tools are developed on how to organize and manage innovation processes with the objective to better control added ââ¬â value, cost and risk. â⬠Additionally, Marketing is the process of determining customer needs and wants and then providing customers with goods and services that meet or exceed their expectations (Nickels et al, 2002). Nevertheless, the Danish Government describes design as ââ¬Å"the power to make products and services more attractive to customers and users, so they are able to sell at a higher price by being differentiated from the competition by virtue of new properties, values and characteristics. Marketing, design and innovation is the study of how an organisationââ¬â¢s competitive advantage forte is indomitable and shaped by its marketing, design and innovation prowess. In addition, it is as a critical factor to the growth and success of the organisation and to the global community.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Essay -- feminists feminism
A Rose for Emily A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is a unique piece of literature. It has a plot which seems somewhat bland, and it is not particularly exciting. However, the ending is quite suprising, and for me it made the story worth reading. I think there are some interesting aspects of this story if you look at it from a feminist point of view. The feminist movement has attempted to elevate the status of the woman to a level equal with men. Feminists have fought for the right of women to be free from the old social restraints which have been in place for so long. A feminist believes a woman should be strong and independent. In some ways the main character, Emily, is this kind of woman, but for the most part she is portrayed as weak and fragile. Throughout the stor...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
American Off-Shore Drilling: Crisis or Fortune Essay
Living within a country that thrives off of technology creates an infinite demand for power. From the extensive automobile power structure to the agricultural industry that America is reliant on, oil and natural gas are specifically necessary to make this part of the ââ¬Å"go ââ¬Ëroundâ⬠. Within the gulfs, seas, and oceans that surround the United States of America lies illimitable amounts of natural oils, which are nestled in the crust of the earth. Over the years, the retrieval, refining and use of this natural resource has been controversial for a mass variety of reasons, both sides presenting substantial reasoning as to the pros and cons to off-shore oil and natural gas drilling. Each American must determine their opinion once reviewing both sides of this issue. What cost is America willing to pay to grow in power at the worldââ¬â¢s expense, or what amount of power is America willing to do without in order save the earth? Off shore drilling is too vital to Americaââ¬â¢s economy to be done away with and due to advances in technology, it has become safer for both the environment and its inhabitants, more reliable, pragmatic, and affordable to both the manufacturers and consumers. Oil and natural gas companies such as Chevron, BP, and PennEnergy support the lives of millions upon billions of people through the natural gas and oil they drill from below the water of the oceans surrounding America. These companies are essential to let America be self-reliant in terms of power. As stated by Gingrich, the U. S. spends $700 billion dollars each year on foreign oil imports. (148) The United States are more than capable to support themselves through the amount of natural resources available within itââ¬â¢s territory. ââ¬Å"America is suffering from an artificial energy crisis that is also a dangerous national security crisis- artificial, because America is gifted with enormous reserves of energy; dangerous, because it makes us vulnerable to unreliable and potentially hostile countries. â⬠(Gingrich, XI) Statistics show that there is an estimated 18. 2 billion barrels of oil and 85. 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that could safely extracted from US area. (Gingrich, 139) The resources are readily available and by keeping commerce within national borders, a country will continue to support its economy. Becoming dependent on other countries for items that are readily available within the borders is a complete waste. The United States government has put an extremely severe lock on more than eighty percent of all available area to conduct off shore drilling within the federal borders. Gingrich, 14) With rising prices, off shore drilling would be an intuitive choice on congressââ¬â¢ part that would create more job opportunities, more products available to export, and certainly more stability in the energy crisis. The Scotsman newspaper published a statement that said that the off shore drilling industry would supplement ââ¬Å"enormous opportunitiesâ⬠worldwide. With advances in technology, ââ¬Å"Subsea processing, separating, compressing, and pumping are on the leading edge of offshore production technology, especially for deep and ultra deepwater and also harsh environments. (Kliewer, 1) The last major oil spill to occur within the Gulf of Mexico was in 1980. It is also fact that ninety-five percent of the oil that is found within the gulf is not caused by human activity at all. Being that oil is a natural resource and readily available right below the surface, the majority of all oil comes naturally from the earthââ¬â¢s crust on its own. (Gingrich, 99) From the late twentieth century to today, companies have made it a personal goal to make their business as environmentally safe as possible, which benefits all parties involved. There are still continuous efforts to perfect this industry. Oil and natural gas companies believe that the use of technology and innovation and incentives will make it unnecessary to raise taxes to clean up the environment. (Gingrich, 145) These companies want to work with conservationists and environmentalists to properly balance the extraction of natural resources with the wellbeing of the environment. This mindset portrays how maturely, sagaciously, and efficiently the oil and natural gas companies wish to continue their business. Conservationists and environmentalists believe that offshore drilling is nothing but detrimental to the natural occurrence of earth. Offshore oil drills are immutably harmful to both the flora and fauna of the sea, land, and air from a conservationistââ¬â¢s point of view. Within the northern most division of the United States, Alaska, polar bears are at serious risk that could lead to extinction if and when an oil spill was to occur. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Oil covered polar bears have little chance to survive spills, because the oil the bears ingest while trying to clean themselves could cause death. â⬠(Polarâ⬠¦) Deep offshore drilling projects have been said to lead to the emission of lethal gasses. Drilling in water depths greater than 500 feet releases methane, a greenhouse gas at least twenty times more potent than carbon dioxide in its contribution to global warming. â⬠(Juhaz, 311) When a company goes into an area to drill for oil they must first evaluate the area with sonar machines to determine if there is any amount of oil to be obtained. ââ¬Å"Seismic survey devices and military sonars have been implicated in numerous whale beaching and stranding incidents, including a mass stranding of sixteen whales in the Bahamas in December 2001. (Juhaz, 313) Marine animals and fish have much more sensitive hearing than humans and therefore the sonar machines can damage their ability to attract mates and fend against predators. Environmentalists also scrutinize oil companies for the number of injuries that employees suffer while working on offshore oil rigs. The HSE inspects all oil rigs throughout the gulf. Within the past few years, the number of injuries has dropped a considerable amount. It is believed though, that the only reason these numbers were lower is due to the fact that a smaller number of actual injuries were reported. Lowâ⬠¦) Seaside communities can also feel the negative effects of oil spills. These communities have no choice in what washes up on their shores, where the majority of their popularity can come from. If an oil spill were to occur, it is not a guarantee that they would receive any compensation for the damages. Costal tourist communities would especially suffer. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËIf thereââ¬â¢s one spill or one disaster, you could destroy us for a very long time. ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Juhaz, 314) Not only would their homes and communities be affected, but also their livelihood. Offshore oil and gas companies have exemplary motives, standards, and hopes for their business. Environmentalists constantly attack these companies with verbose denunciation that is often not valid. For instance, Juhasz wrote in his book The Tyranny of Oil that somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 tons of waste material is released into the water annually. This is misleading and obscure considering that the ââ¬Å"waste materialâ⬠consists of rock, mud, and minerals, all of which are overly abundant in the oceans without any human interference. 312) Many environmentalists also choose to ignore the fact that oil rigs have become essential and permanent habitats for marine life. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦A growing debate is emerging between those who wish to see the rigs disappear entirely and the ones who believe that doing so would destroy an important habitat. â⬠(Rothbach) Even non-intentionally, the owners of oil rigs are benefitting the environment in which they conduct business. It is very possible that they are doing more good than harm to the fish and plants that they first intruded upon. It seems that environmentalists can be somewhat hypocritical in their attempt to extol their platform. It is clear that environmentalists will fight against offshore drilling no matter what strides are made or facts are presented. The key is working to make a situation that benefits the consumers, companies, communities, and of course the environment. This is a very difficult task at hand but manageable. As mentioned before, oil and gas companies are making noticeable strides in ââ¬Å"going greenâ⬠to benefit the environment. ââ¬Å"Through creative decision making, solutions can be present themselves in a way that all parties will find reasonable, even if not ideal. (Rothbach) In order to prevent the dispersing of dangerous drilling fluids, companies are working to develop a water based, high alkaline solution of silica-based solutions called silanes. (Nowak) Companies are also working to ââ¬Å"set tight standards on carbon dioxide emissions, it will drive more fuel efficient vehicles, which will in effect reduce our dependence on foreign oil. â⬠(Martin) Also, ââ¬Å"subsea facilities are viewed as a path to bring production to market faster while extending life in the field. â⬠(Kliewer) The country of America is most definitely reliant on energy. With each household having an average of two cars each, fuel is a considerable necessity. (Marlin) Environmentalists try to belittle the need for power that America has. This cannot be done. Power is a need that should be on the top of the list to be addressed. The process of which to obtain it is something that should be done with the environment in mind. With the steps already being taken to create an ideal balance, success is visible on the horizon. With advances in technology it is more than possible for the oil industry to be clean, efficient, and environmentally friendly. ââ¬Å"America could rival-even exceed- the worldââ¬â¢s biggest energy powerhouses. â⬠(Gingrich, 39) The offshore oil industry is a gold mine just waiting to be taken advantage of. America has just scratched the surface of its potential below its oceans and seas. Considering the fact, that the advances in safety and efficiency have recently been perfected, the timing is perfect to really dive into the fortune that will take America to the top of the power chain in the world.
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